Sunday, January 11, 2009

One string at a time

So far I have been here just a little over 2 months now and many things have touched me. I sit back alot these days and observe the behavors of seattle people and i find them very fasincating. Its like everyone is so different! Its like they are all striving for the same thing, but all going about finding it on thier own terms and understanding. I am no longer looking or not sure I am even wanting, I am letting certian dreams and visions fade into black. For some reason I have had this feeling that my time may be cut short, how or why I dont know, but its a feeling that maybe I was sent here to complete one final thing in life before flying away. I have overcome many set backs health wise and I am stronger than ever, i think my patients sometimes look up to me for encouragement and hope and I hope that I have touched a few along the way and give them reason to keep pushing!

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